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El maestro Diego Barbosa-Vásquez es Director de Ópera, Orquesta y Ballet nacido en Colombia, capacitado en todo el mundo y actualmente radicado en USA. Es Director General del Performing Arts Laboratory y Director Musical de la Orquesta de Cámara de las Américas. El Maestro Diego es reconocido como un "Genio Musical" por la prensa internacional y es Embajador Oficial de Colombia. Ha obtenido reconocimiento internacional a través de sus conciertos en todo el mundo, representando a América Latina en concursos y eventos, y es reconocido por sus importantes contribuciones académicas y prácticas al campo de las artes escénicas.


El Maestro Barbosa-Vásquez ha colaborado como Director con la St. Louis Symphony Orchestra, Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra, Nashville Symphony Orchestra, Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra, IU Opera and Ballet Theater, and IU Symphonies (USA). Además, fue Director Musical y Artístico del CASC Opera Camp y de la World Music Symphony Orchestra (Los Ángeles, CA); Director musical y artístico del Teatro Musical Pronartes, la Filarmónica del Huila y el Sistema de Orquesta y Coros E&P (Colombia), y Director Invitado Principal de la Orquesta Sinfónica Nacional Juvenil de El Salvador durante 6 años, entre otros puestos de Director Artístico en Estados Unidos y Latinoamérica. Además, el Maestro colombiano tiene un Doctorado del prestigioso Departamento de Dirección de Ópera, Orquesta y Ballet de Jacobs School of Music of Indiana University (USA) con Doctorados Menores en Teoría de la Música y Administración de las Artes.​

Además, el Maestro Barbosa-Vásquez es un Académico Multidisciplinar reconocido internacionalmente por sus Investigaciones Post-Doctorales en Culturas, Artes e Identidades Latinoamericanas como Artista/Académico de CLACS, y su investigación Post-Doctoral en Sostenibilidad de las Artes Performáticas (Dimensiones: Artística, Financiera, Social y Ecológica) con énfasis en Política Económica Internacional, Negocios Internacionales, Emprendimiento y Desarrollo de Políticas Públicas colaborando con el prestigioso Ostrom Workshop como académico afiliado. 

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Simon Woods

President and CEO
League of American Orchestras

“Diego [...] I actually think you should be our mentors [...] you bring many answers because you have fresher perspectives."


Arthur Fagen

Music Director | Atlanta Opera
Co-Chair | Orchestra Conducting Department - Jacobs School of Music - IU
Regular Guest Conductor at the most prestigious
Opera Houses, Concert Halls, and Music Festivals globally.

"[Diego] is a strong conductor with a very good baton technique, temperament, musicality, and a great knowledge of the scores he conducts. I might add that he knows all of his scores by memory. [...]I have seen his strong commitment to reach high artistic quality every time he conducts and to making music and art accessible to all communities."


Thomas Wilkins

Principal Conductor | The Hollywood Bowl Orchestra
Principal Guest Conductor | The Virginia Symphony
Artistic Partner for Education & External Engagement | Boston Symphony Orchestra
Professor of Orchestral Conducting | Jacobs School of Music (IU)
Music Director Laureate | Omaha Symphony Orchestra
Golden Baton 2022 | League of American Orchestras

"[Diego] is a fabulous musician, and artistically very thoughtful. In addition, he is also extremely bright and always eager to learn. I am also happy to report that above all he is a wonderful and warm human being, who continues to nurture his curiosity and love of learning. He is quite frankly a sponge!"

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El Mundo

National Press
El Salvador

"You will delight your ears with the conducting of Musical Genius."


Sonja Thoms

Executive Director | Wheeling Symphony Orchestra
Former General Manager and VP of Operations
| Nashville Symphony

"[Diego] is always advocating for ways orchestral institutions can develop stronger connections inside the organization and outside with their communities. [...] Diego equally prioritizes high artistic quality, diversity, inclusion, and sustainability in his work."


El Tiempo

National Press

“Has become an role model for the children and young people of our country” 

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