Orchestrating Community: Artistic and Social Governance for Today’s Orchestras
Evaluating and Guiding Impact Beyond Financial Metrics to Cultivate Sustainable Cultural Commons. As a society, we have entrusted our orches
Model for the Creation and Leadership of Sustainable Opera Camps
Opera Camps: An experiences where all Opera stakeholders (communities, students, and professionals) can interact and be part of the Opera.
The Orchestras' Artistic Constituency
An in-depth analysis of the Artistic Constituency within the Symphonic Orchestras and its role in the current and future society. A...
The Future of the Orchestra Field by Framing Orchestra Enterprises as Cultural Commons
"[...]Diego... I actually think, you should be our mentors[...] because you bring many answers"* Simon Woods - President and CEO / League...
Necessary changes on Fundraising Logics and its Goals Metrics for Artistic Performing Enterprises
Money should not be the unique dimension to evaluate Fundraising Success Fundraising goals metrics must embrace the full complexities of...
How to get 147000 diversified audience for a single show? Learnings from the For-Profit Sector
Building bridges between communities and art practices has been in the center of my job and life since I accepted my first Music...
Opera by and for the Community: Collaborative Arts Summer Camp 2022
This is the story about how we created “harmony and peace” in Los Angeles County society with Arts practice.
“Folkloric or Popular Music” Influences in the Opera
Abstract As an art and entertainment, Opera aims to be as close as possible to the people. It is precisely the reason to merge music,...
Ostrom Workshop - Opera Sustainability Podcast
Produced by - www.barbosavasquez.com/academic - Ostrom Workshop / Governance Roundtable of the Ostrom Workshop (GROW) *Economic Nobel...
Opera Sustainability: Through Multilevel-Apprenticeship Programs at Opera Companies
Research in process for: - www.barbosavasquez.com/academic - Ostrom Workshop - Research Series (Economic Nobel Prize Winners experts in...